Haven Heating and Air Conditioningstarstarstarstarstar4.8 / 5

47 Total Reviews /files/havenlogo.png269-637-1400$8600 M-140 Hwy, South Haven MI

High-Efficiency Heating, A/C & Water Heater Systems

XT95 95% Gas Furnace

Whatever your heating needs may be, from gentle warmth on a chilly day to high-performance heating when the temperature plummets, the single-stage XT95 furnace provides energy-efficient comfort every day of the year.

  • Up to 95% AFUE
  • One-piece aluminized steel primary heat exchanger
  • Insulated cabinet for quiet operation
  • Cleanable filter with spring-loaded filter rack
  • Self-diagnostic microelectronic controller
MODELConfigurationInput MBtuHOutput MBtuHAFUECFMDimensions
TUH1B040A9H21B 40.0 38.0 95.0 1159 40x17.5x28 139
TUH1B060A9H31B 60.0 57.0 95.0 1402 40x17.5x28 150
TUH1B080A9H31C 80.0 73.1 95.0 1328 40x17.5x28 158
TUH1C100A9H41B 100.0 92.1 95.0 1586 40x21x28 171
TUH1D120A9H51B 120.0 104.5 95.0 2141 40x24.5x28 205
TDH1B040A9H21B 40.0 38.0 95.0 1156 40x17.5x28 145
TDH1B065A9H31B 65.0 57.0 95.0 1455 40x17.5x28 158
TDH1C085A9H41B 85.0 76.0 95.0 1795 40x21x28 171
TDH1D110A9H51B 120.0 104.5 95.0 2105 40x24.5x28 205

Warranty Information

  • Heat Exchanger - Limited Lifetime
  • All Parts for 120 months -

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